K. So now that the worst part of the story is out of the way, I can talk about my way fabulous pets, Saga and trek. (Ugg, I hate the names, but whatever. Sometimes I feel like I'm just an avatar).
So I scanned pretty much all of the courtyard of Farstrider Retreat for any fabulous tameable pets nearby. There were 2 other hunters nearby, and they both had red Lynxes. We ruled that out. So I went back to Silvermoon to ask around.
I saw a troll hunter with a pretty orange tiger. And by pretty, I mean, pretty hard to match with anything. No thanks. I went into the Inn. The dude asked me for my ID (he was totally checking me out. blech. pervy tauren). I sat down beside a couple of Orcs. I asked them what they thought.
One said "Raptors. Cunning and fast. Ferocious, Draeneii will fear you!"
Umm, They are all scaley, and I hate purple. so no raptors for me thanks.
The other Orc was like "blah blah blah boar blah".
Umm, I'm not gonna tame a pig. If I wanted a pig, I'd go to a farm. No self respecting hunter is going to tame a pig. mmm k bai!
There was a grizzled tauren in the corner. He only had one eye, and I could see that he wasn't using the other one to check me out. He had to be at least 80 seasons. I thought, it won't hurt to ask.
It turns out that this tauren was a druid. He talked about his battles, his fiercest foes. He told me that the closest he had ever been to death was in combat with another Elf. Not a High Elf, like me, but a purple Elf, from the other side of the world. They rode huge cats, and were fierce in battle. It really piqued my curiousity. These elves sound hot. I thanked him, and left because his one good eye started to stare at my boobs and he started to make some weird grunty sounds. (Pervy tauren)
There were a few other suggestions from other folks at the bar. I didn't find anything that was really right, so I went online to http://www.maniasarcania.com/. I don't know why I didn't do that to begin with.
Anyway, having decided what pet would be perfect, I headed out on my own personal quest. I ran through the streets of Silvermoon. I headed out the gates towards the Ghostlands. This was not my final destination though. I was headed much farther.
I got through the Ghostlands. I saw like a million Nasty! Undead! along the way. There is a creepy little town called "Tranquillien". OMG creepy. I kept on the road until I got to some glowing green bubble thingy. It was weird, but whatever. I went through.
K, on the other side of this green bubble thingy, is this place called the Eastern Plaguelands. ICKY! turns out that bubble keeps all kinds of nasty undead thingys away. There were huge fat maggots. Gigantic Flying Bats. Legions of NASTY! undead zombies. And from miles and miles, they all ran towards me. Everywhere I looked, gross thingys came to eat me.
Turns out I'm not supposed to go to these Plaguelands. (I figured it out after 30 minutes of running around as a ghost). So I went back to Silvermoon to work out Plan B.
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35 minutes ago
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