Iowyn is beautiful and powerful, but in very different ways than Pauladapally. She is agile and has incredible grace. She can't be called anti-social, but she prefers solitude, or spending time with her life companion (some might call her a pet), Myfriendwii.
Iowyn is a seasoned veteran of several campaigns. She's lent her hand to the battles for resources in Arathi, and in the fight for Alterac Valley. She started out in service of the Silverwing Sentinels. Her dream was to serve as a sentinel and watch over Darnassus, but responsibilities to her sister Hiordis kept her from joining. Iowyn is trained as a beast master hunter, in part because of her strong bond with her companion myfriendwii. Growing up with and taking care of her sister Hiordis, a Feral by nature, had a strong influence on Iowyn's training in beastmastery.
This shot wasn't altered in anyway. There was some severe issues on patch day. I logged off Iowyn, and onto Hio, but Io was still there. The girls quickly got together for this screenshot before Io disappeared.