One of the things my druid friend Lassaria would always talk about was "The Burning Crusade" expansion. I only took WoW up a couple months prior to the launch of BC so I didn't share the enthusiasm. However, I was hooked by then so I bought BC the day it launched, standing in line with all the other folks at 11:30 PM.
New races! New Zones! All kinds of stuff I'll never experience until I gain another 40 levels anyway.
Now I'd never even stepped foot in Dun Morogh. I'd been to Stormwind via the long trek through Menethil, but there was a lot of Vanilla I was still missing out on back then. But nonetheless, I was excited about BC.
I spent the time installing and patching and what-have-you. I went to the character creation screen and checked out the shiney new Space goats. I had no inclination to roll a hunter nor Shaman. Priest? no way. I tried a paladin and gave up after 2 levels. I tried a warrior. I liked the warrior.
I chose the name Fjurdyn. She was stacked...Huuuuuuge tracts of land (if you don't know what that means, I'm saying I chose her for the ample breastplate she could equip).
When you are a low level warrior, you hit stuff and it dies. You can kill lots of stuff in the first 10 levels and you never ever have to worry about dying, or really even doing any kind of first aid. Gift of the Naaru was enough to heal me when I was in danger. Being a low level space goat warrior was good.
Its that way til about level 20 something, where you just hack your way through everything. It doesn't really change until you have to go to Redridge and do the Drunken Gauntlet of Fun quest that warriors get. OMG that was awesome. Once you get that second and third stance, things get complicated in the Warrior world.
We ( I mean Fjurdyn and I) levelled through Azuremyst and Bloodmyst, and then went to Redridge and then to Duskwood. I was so enjoying hacking everything that she had actually surpassed Hiordis in levels. While questing in Duskwood, I bumped into a Shaman named Idora and a mage named Sinlana. Idora was sooooo much fun, she really opened WoW as a fun social experience. The three of us would quest together, and we would kill things like Worgen and walking Skeletons. And we would go into the catacombs of Duskwood and we would kill zombies and we had fun. And Morladim, who was level 35 elite at the time, would come and kill us, and we would all talk about how we wanted to kill him soo much.
Idora (Iddy) sooo bubbly and always making jokes. She made Wow fun. Sinlana was a little quieter, but still fun. She seemed a little more newbish. These were my first wow friends. If Idora or Sinlana were on, we would play together, and it was fun. We went through Duskwood together, then STV. We went through Tanaris together, Ungoro. For the most part we leveled at the same pace and were within a few levels of eachother. I was never ever really sure, but I finally confirmed that Sinlana was a guy playing a female toon just like me; it only took me 15 levels to figure it out.
Neither of them would ever spell Fjurdyn right, so in the end I was called Furby. The nickname stuck, and was shortened to Furbs. Fjurdyn is still at level 75 because I find levelling a warrior to be a painful experience.
We added a 4th amigo named Thourne when we were in STV. He left us in the early 50s so he could play with his cousin on a pvp server. He is back now, and we are better for it. In our late 30s and early 40s we added a warlock named Stregone. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about Stregs because he wasn't as chatty as the rest of the crew, but warmed up to him after a while. Turns out that Stregs is the definition of a great guy, and always willing to help out with anything. In Tanaris, we added the Mightykiwi, hunter extraordinaire. OMG <3.
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