Hi Internetz. Lariss here. I'm here to talk about what its like to be a hunter, and how I got my pets.
So I'm level 8 or 9 or something, and the hunter trainer (I forget his name, all those rangers all look the same to me) sent me on a quest. I'm on my way to finally get a pet. OMG it feels like it took forever.
I was all psyched up to get a pet. So he hands me a stick and says "go get a Lynx". /sigh. Umm, they would go okay with my hair, but I was wearing this fantastic green leather Hauberk (really shows off the girls. I totally caught some Tauren checking me out. As if) and a lynx would not go with my hauberk. Whatever. I went and got one, and he gave me money, so it was ok. But then things started to get a weird.
He hands me a differnet stick and he's like: "bring me a Dragonhawk".
OMG I nearly burst out laughing. What kind of hunter tames a dragonhawk? Then I noticed the long blonde hair, and the tight pants. I'm pretty sure I saw him checking out the Silver Knight dude (who was totally yummy btw) so I kinda figured that maybe this ranger guy just might prefer swordplay over, umm, girls. So I didn't ask any questions, I just went and got a rainbow coloured, spazzy flying, scary as a fluffy bunny dragonhawk. The wing flapping totally messed up my hair, so I won't be doing that again anytime soon.
For the third quest, and the final one, I was soo excited. I was expecting to get the most ferocious, terrifying beast that would answer only to me. And I would love it and hug it and squeeze it and call it my very own. And he hands me anothe stick and asks me to go "get a bat".
They eat like worms and stuff. They stink. They poo everywhere. Ever try to get a bat to do anything during the day? no, cause you never ever see a bat during the day. They are NOCTURNAL! Omg dumbass. I tried to tell him so, but there was this troll that walked by with a banana in his pants, and the questy guy didn't hear a word I said. Ugg. Whatever.
I ran past all the icky spiders. I tried to avoid all the dirty rabies infected animals. I saw some undead guys by the road. OMG Nasty! Undead! /shudder. I crept into this dark dirty hole. I found a long stick, and I poked around til a bat flew out. I tamed it and brought it back to questy guy. The dirty bat ate like 3 rats, 2 worms, and 6 spiders along the way. Ugg.
I finally got back to Ranger Joe or whatever to turn my quest in. He was still a little too tight in the pants, (the troll guy had only just left). But at least he was paying attention to me. He cast his little spell, did his little dance and I finally learned how to tame a pet to keep on my very own (well, for more than 5 minutes anyway). I was like level 50 by the end of all this. Well, level 10, but it felt like it took longer.
I'm hungry. I'm going to get a sandwich. You stay here, I'll be back in a while.
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