So, I've finally rolled Horde.
Sticking with the Druid theme, I joined a rl friend of mine on Earthen Ring. I just happen to have an in with the biggest guild in North America, so I decided to take it. What a different experience. My thoughts so far.
AIE is huge. And its awesome. Some of the in game events that the officers have put together have been incredibe. An in-game memorial of a guildie that passed away included hundreds of AIE'rs marching through all the cities, and ended with a tribute from some that knew him, and from his close friends. It was very touching.
Guild chat is nuts. Having conversations in Guild chat are like trying to follow a dialogue in trade chat. Except its not full of morons, so its actually quite fun.
There is a feeling of anonymity there, but the general attitude of friendliness and the great attitudes of the members make AIE a special group. I'm happy with my decision. I'm just not happy to have to reroll from level 1 again. Oy.
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