Hi Internet.
Let me tell you...I love PvP. I've picked up tailoring and Engineering just so I can do more PvP stuff. I even have both my trinket slots filled at level 20! Hio couldn't believe it when I told her that, she didn't get her first trinket until she was 45.
I've leveled from 10 to 20 doing mostly PvP in Warsong Gulch.
I have been eating Tauren Souls like they are candy. Nom nom nom. Sooo tastey, by far the most delicious. Druids are sweet and juicy. And all that hair! when I immolate.../drool. Smells soo good (don't tell Hio).
BloodElf soul tastes kinda light and airy. They are definitely the least filling. I prefer the Warlocks because their soul just tastes like what they last ate. (/whisper Don't tell anyone, but Gnome Souls taste like chocolate covered raisins. It makes me wish I was Horde sometimes, please please please don't tell PdP I said that) and the Paladins give me indigestion.
Orc souls taste kind of nutty. I think I like the taste of their Warrior souls the most. At first they were kind of bitter, like the after-taste from almonds or walnuts, but they get better as you have more of them. I usually like to follow the warriors up with a nice Orc rogue soul to accompany it. Orc rogues taste like cashews. Yum.
Trolls...They have kind of a fishy taste. Ennyo rofl'd at that when I told her and said "I'm not surprised". Hunters are my preference, I think because their pets add a bit of a fruitiness; its a nice balance. Rogues aren't that bad either, but I mostly eat the hunters. The Shaman give me gas, which can be a little embarrassing sometimes.
Undead. Blech. At first I could barely stomach the taste of undead souls, but its not bad if I wash it down right away with some melon juice. All the classes of undead taste the same in my humble opinion. I probably prefer the priests, though they are hardest to catch. Undead Priest souls have a pickled dirt taste, as opposed to a regular dirt taste. With Undead mages, I'm just like "Get in mah bellay!" and they usually do. I once ate the same mage 6 times in one WSG match, I ended up coughing up a woolly hairball. Silly mage.
I love PvP!
Oh, and I got a horse and a Succubus just for turning 20. I've been having a fun couple of weeks.
I'm especially enjoying all the Trick or Treating. All the inn keepers think my voidwalker is just a friend in a costume. I don't tell them the truth, because I seem to get more candy this way. And of course Succubus is a big hit with all the male innkeepers. Dirty men, sheesh. I once made the mistake of bringing Jaknam, my imp, trick or treating. The lady was like "I don't think your friend needs any more candy, he seems to be a little hyper already". /giggle. Jak was sooooo mad. He started conjuring a HUGE firebolt, I had to tackle him before he could cast it. I wish you should have seen that lady's eyes. They got as big as pumpkins, I thought they were going to pop out of her head.
I've only fought in WSG so far. I want enough marks to get one of each of the black war mounts. No complaints here.
Anyway, thanks for listening. Sear you later :-)
/gigglesnort (That was a pun on see you later, in case you didn't get it)
Its True!
Last night I got the Headless Horseman's mount. Yay for Hallow's End!
More to Follow :-)
<3 Hio
Last night I got the Headless Horseman's mount. Yay for Hallow's End!
More to Follow :-)
<3 Hio
Pnutbutter turns 10!
Umm. Hi.
I'm Penelope. My family and friend(s) call me Pnutbutter. I'm a Human Warlock, I grew up in a small town called Darkshire. There weren't a lot of other kids for me to hang around with, so I mostly played with the ghosts that haunted our house. I think thats why I became a Warlock. I also really like the taste of souls (they taste like grape jelly) and I enjoy the smell of sulphur and burnt hair. Some people find that weird.
I don't really have a lot of friends, I'm kind of shy. Yes, you could say I'm a bit of a loner. I have an imp that I spend most of my time with. I can't even say his name properly, but he is awesome. He loves me, and I take care of him as best I can. Last night I finally succeeded in summoning a blue marshmallowy demon called a Voidwalker. I think he is going to be cool too. Last night I was adventuring with my guildie and friend named Kidsister. She's a priest, so you think she wouldn't want to hang out with me, right? But she's not like that, she doesn't judge me, she's cool for a priest.
I wouldn't say I got teased a lot growing up, but I wasn't really the popular girl either. I once got in trouble when I set another girl's hair on fire. Like a lot of trouble. But omg it smelled so good, I want to do it again.
I got a letter from some Sentinels in Darnassus, asking for help in taking back Warsong Gulch from the Horde. I'm really looking forward to it. Think what a burning Tauren is going to smell like! All that hair! /giddy. Hio and PauladaPally chipped in and got me a really pretty robe and shoulders, and a staff and trinket, so I'll be ready to go into battle when the time comes. They said it would make me more resilient. Hio is really sweet and really helpful. I kind of think she made PauladaPally help me, cause she wasn't very friendly at first. But it was explained that Paladins aren't really allowed to be too friendly towards Warlocks. Hio also told me that PauladaPally's family was slain by the Burning Legion. I tried to explain that not all demons are like that, but she just gave me a look. It wasn't mean at all, so I understood that its just a bit of a sore spot with PauladaPally. It's something I'll keep in mind when I'm sharding Hordies. Mmmm I can almost taste it now. Ennyo told me that Troll tastes the best, but she had a weird smile on her face when she said it. And she's not a Warlock, so how would she know? I have a hunch that Ennyo's a bit of a slut, but I didn't want to tell that to Hio.
Iowyn spent a lot of time in Warsong Gulch, so she told me some good places to hide, and where to look for the flag. Apparently its always on the roof or behind the graveyard. I really like Iowyn, she seems nice, and a bit of a loner too. She has some wicked pets. She showed me her gigantic wasp, and wolf she stole from some Orcs in Hellfire Peninsula. Her cat seemed nice, but all she wanted was for her belly to be rubbed. I tried to scratch my Imp's belly, and he went nuts, jumping all over the place and giggling. I don't understand it, but there is something to belly rubs. Iowyn told me lots about Hellfire, I'm pretty excited to get there. Thats going to be a while. In the mean time, I'm excited to fight the Horde.
Umm. Bye.
I'm Penelope. My family and friend(s) call me Pnutbutter. I'm a Human Warlock, I grew up in a small town called Darkshire. There weren't a lot of other kids for me to hang around with, so I mostly played with the ghosts that haunted our house. I think thats why I became a Warlock. I also really like the taste of souls (they taste like grape jelly) and I enjoy the smell of sulphur and burnt hair. Some people find that weird.
I don't really have a lot of friends, I'm kind of shy. Yes, you could say I'm a bit of a loner. I have an imp that I spend most of my time with. I can't even say his name properly, but he is awesome. He loves me, and I take care of him as best I can. Last night I finally succeeded in summoning a blue marshmallowy demon called a Voidwalker. I think he is going to be cool too. Last night I was adventuring with my guildie and friend named Kidsister. She's a priest, so you think she wouldn't want to hang out with me, right? But she's not like that, she doesn't judge me, she's cool for a priest.
I wouldn't say I got teased a lot growing up, but I wasn't really the popular girl either. I once got in trouble when I set another girl's hair on fire. Like a lot of trouble. But omg it smelled so good, I want to do it again.
I got a letter from some Sentinels in Darnassus, asking for help in taking back Warsong Gulch from the Horde. I'm really looking forward to it. Think what a burning Tauren is going to smell like! All that hair! /giddy. Hio and PauladaPally chipped in and got me a really pretty robe and shoulders, and a staff and trinket, so I'll be ready to go into battle when the time comes. They said it would make me more resilient. Hio is really sweet and really helpful. I kind of think she made PauladaPally help me, cause she wasn't very friendly at first. But it was explained that Paladins aren't really allowed to be too friendly towards Warlocks. Hio also told me that PauladaPally's family was slain by the Burning Legion. I tried to explain that not all demons are like that, but she just gave me a look. It wasn't mean at all, so I understood that its just a bit of a sore spot with PauladaPally. It's something I'll keep in mind when I'm sharding Hordies. Mmmm I can almost taste it now. Ennyo told me that Troll tastes the best, but she had a weird smile on her face when she said it. And she's not a Warlock, so how would she know? I have a hunch that Ennyo's a bit of a slut, but I didn't want to tell that to Hio.
Iowyn spent a lot of time in Warsong Gulch, so she told me some good places to hide, and where to look for the flag. Apparently its always on the roof or behind the graveyard. I really like Iowyn, she seems nice, and a bit of a loner too. She has some wicked pets. She showed me her gigantic wasp, and wolf she stole from some Orcs in Hellfire Peninsula. Her cat seemed nice, but all she wanted was for her belly to be rubbed. I tried to scratch my Imp's belly, and he went nuts, jumping all over the place and giggling. I don't understand it, but there is something to belly rubs. Iowyn told me lots about Hellfire, I'm pretty excited to get there. Thats going to be a while. In the mean time, I'm excited to fight the Horde.
Umm. Bye.
Brewfest Recap
Brewfest has come and gone. Fun and Wolpertingers were had by all, I especially enjoyed this years festivities. I was happy to receive a Brewfest Ram from Coren Direbrew, While PdP got hersef a smelly new Kodo. Phew, I thought Elleks smell bad. But Congratulations go to her, and for her brand new "Tankard of Terror". She says its an upgrade over her old sword, and she only uses it because it smashes faces in farther. I don't know about that, because it seems to me like that thing is half full about half the time now, and there might be more reasons why she uses that Gigantic mug than just to smash faces. That Pally really got into this year's Brewfest. I got some trinkets, including a pickled egg and a stein that summons a barmaiden that gives away beer. How Awesome is that?! Apparently lots of people got these, but I don't care, I'm a better bear and a stronger tree because of them.
I love my new Wolpertinger pet, almost the whole crew caught one of their own. They are so cute and I love the way they squeak when you pet them. I have to remember to put mine away before I shift into Cat form, because for those who don't know, Wolpertingers taste great. Sorry Ennyo :-( I feel so bad, I promise to catch you one next Brewfest. (Turns out the taste of Wolpertinger doesn't linger at all, but the guilt sure does).
I also got a pink ellek pet! It was just roaming around Teldrassil, and it followed me home. Sneaky little guy (It may have had something to do with the can of peanuts in my pocket /giggle) was smooth, I didn't even notice him crawl into my bags. Mind you, there is a lot I don't remember from that night, but I KNOW I didn't get leg humped by some creepy gnome on the Deeprun. Bwa ha ha ha. I'm still not sure PdP knows what happened, so lets leave it that way.
Both PdP and I signed up for the Brew of the Month club. Turns out that Beer in the Mail tastes Grrreeeat! Who knew? (PdP knew, she wouldn't stop talking about how much she loooooves beer. oy!) I've got some coins saved up for next Brewfest (I have my eye on a fun little outfit that will drive a certain DeathKnight wild. I haven't told you about him yet. But let me say...YUM) and I think next year I might work on getting myself my own smelly Kodo just to keep my mammoth company in the stables (and to shut a certain Pally up).
Thats about it for now. I've got other news (Congratulations to Gal!) but I don't want to spoil it so I'll keep this recap short. TTYL.
<3 Hio
I love my new Wolpertinger pet, almost the whole crew caught one of their own. They are so cute and I love the way they squeak when you pet them. I have to remember to put mine away before I shift into Cat form, because for those who don't know, Wolpertingers taste great. Sorry Ennyo :-( I feel so bad, I promise to catch you one next Brewfest. (Turns out the taste of Wolpertinger doesn't linger at all, but the guilt sure does).
I also got a pink ellek pet! It was just roaming around Teldrassil, and it followed me home. Sneaky little guy (It may have had something to do with the can of peanuts in my pocket /giggle) was smooth, I didn't even notice him crawl into my bags. Mind you, there is a lot I don't remember from that night, but I KNOW I didn't get leg humped by some creepy gnome on the Deeprun. Bwa ha ha ha. I'm still not sure PdP knows what happened, so lets leave it that way.
Both PdP and I signed up for the Brew of the Month club. Turns out that Beer in the Mail tastes Grrreeeat! Who knew? (PdP knew, she wouldn't stop talking about how much she loooooves beer. oy!) I've got some coins saved up for next Brewfest (I have my eye on a fun little outfit that will drive a certain DeathKnight wild. I haven't told you about him yet. But let me say...YUM) and I think next year I might work on getting myself my own smelly Kodo just to keep my mammoth company in the stables (and to shut a certain Pally up).
Thats about it for now. I've got other news (Congratulations to Gal!) but I don't want to spoil it so I'll keep this recap short. TTYL.
<3 Hio
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